The OffasDykeYAC leaders and Outreach officer attended this great webinar by @CBA_YAC (thank you folks) so we have the chance to plan a visit to a church or two and record some gravestones – with the permission of the parish – for our archaeological records.
Some of the families have been in the area for hundreds of years …maybe yours has?
Why not ask your older family members what they know of their family in the area or where they come from? Have they any pictures of older relatives, or letters between them? What did they do for work?
What happened to them through the world wars? Did they stay and work the land or sign up or were they “conscientious objectors”? (People that did not fight on religious or moral grounds – they did not want to kill anyone),
Graveyards contain so much information …not only the inscriptions but the style of the gravestone (could they afford a fancy one or just a stone), perhaps a family plot (people of older generations buried in the same place)?